
There are 106 attributes. Click on the attribute to view a list of toys in the library with this attribute.

Code Description # of toys
Auditory Memory Perceptual 10
Reaching For Objects Gross Motor 48
Phonological Awareness Communication 1
Postural Control Gross Motor 64
Crawling Gross Motor 41
Crossing Midline Gross Motor 20
Pincer Grasp Fine Motor 84
Placement Fine Motor 101
Drop & Retrieve Object Gross Motor 70
Finger Isolation Fine Motor 71
Following Directions Communication 43
Hammering Fine Motor 17
Transferring Object Fine Motor 35
Hopping Gross Motor 3
Tummy Time Gross Motor 32
Fine Motor Fine Motor 325
Gross Motor Gross Motor 85
Planning Cognitive 59
Communication Communication 247
Position Concepts Communication 10
Melody & Pitch Creative 21
Counting Numeracy 41
Emotions Social, Communication 119
Cause & Effect Cognitive 130
Concentration Cognitive 139
Concepts Cognitive 43
Jumping Gross Motor 12
Language Communication 127
Posting Fine Motor 38
Letter Recognition Communication, Perceptual 12
Listening Communication 41
Looking Perceptual 67
Matching Perceptual 233
Logical Reasoning Cognitive 43
Memory Cognitive, Perceptual 40
One to One Correspondence Numeracy 9
Cooperation Communication 68
Eye Contact Communication 9
Core Strength Gross Motor 72
Balance Gross Motor 178
Body Awareness Gross Motor 193
Bilateral Skills Gross & Fine Motor 57
Climbing Gross Motor 37
Motor Planning Gross Motor 20
Pouring Fine Motor 54
Visual Tracking Perceptual 91
Batting Hand Eye Coordination 19
Multicultural Social, Communication 33
Numeracy Cognitive 23
Object Manipulation Fine Motor 313
Knobbed Puzzle Fine Motor 13
Reading Communication, Cognitive 6
Scanning Perceptual 19
Screwing/Turning Fine Motor 19
Sensory Processing Perceptual 111
Sequencing Cognitive 37
Chunky Puzzle Fine Motor 18
Sorting Perceptual, Cognitive 174
Squat & Stand Gross Motor 76
Music Creative 94
Stacking Fine Motor 82
Peg Puzzle Fine Motor 16
Tactile Perceptual 91
Taking Turns Social, Communication 96
Threading Fine Motor 22
Drawing Fine Motor, Creative 18
Time Perceptual, Cognitive 1
Visual Discrimination Perceptual 104
Colours Perceptual, Creative 133
Visual Memory Perceptual 60
Walking Gross Motor 52
Rhythm & Beat Creative 66
Artistic Expression Creative, Communication 137
Problem Solving Cognitive, Creative 116
Construction Cognitive, Fine Motor, Creative 157
Imaginative Play Social, Communication, Creative 470
Patterns Perceptual, Creative 15
Shapes Perceptual, Creative 85
Story Telling Communication, Creative 254
Hand/Eye Coordination Gross Motor, Perceptual 305
Sounds Perceptual, Creative 101
Subitising Numeracy 5
Addition Numeracy 21
Subtraction Numeracy 0
Multiplication Numeracy 1
Division Numeracy 0
Celebrating Diversity Social 25
Push and Pull Gross Motor 149
Grasping Objects Fine Motor 163
Framed Puzzle Fine Motor 23
Floor Puzzle Fine Motor 41
Proprioceptive Feedback Gross Motor 9
Resistance Gross Motor 23
Throwing and Catching Gross Motor 41
Functional Play Cognitive 128
Turn Taking Social Communication 53
CVC Words Literacy, Cognitive 2
Lifting/Carrying Loads Gross Motor 14
Bending Gross Motor 36
Running Gross Motor 7
Kicking Gross Motor 1
Coding Stem 6
Magnets Stem 11
Electric Circuit Stem 1
Number Recognition Numeracy 2
Spatial Awareness Perceptual 2